Understanding Physician Prescribing Behavior
Our client operates in a fast-paced market where therapies and treatment protocols are constantly evolving. They want to understand how physician prescribing behaviors changed following the approval of their therapy for a new indication, as well as how specific patient characteristics influenced treatment decisions. These insights were critical to refining their market strategy and staying ahead in a competitive landscape.
To gain a nuanced understanding of prescribing behaviors, we developed a robust, repeatable system that delivers detailed insights. We conduct a monthly survey targeting 125 physicians, primarily from the client’s target list. These physicians provide data from four patient charts each month, enabling us to gather de-identified, granular details such as test results, treatment history, and patient demographics.
Our approach goes beyond data collection. Our team designed the system to capture critical insights on prescribing intent for patients not currently receiving the client’s drug class. By maintaining a consistent methodology and leveraging physician input over time, we created a reliable dataset that tracks behavior shifts and identifies emerging trends. This methodology ensures that insights are actionable and directly aligned with the client’s strategic objectives.
This longitudinal approach provided a comprehensive view of prescribing behavior, both before and after the new indication approval, and allowed the client to monitor how prescribing patterns shifted as the drug class matured. Insights segmented by physician tier and loyalty group revealed key differences in prescribing behaviors across target segments.
Combining our findings with internal datasets, the client gained a nuanced understanding of clinical drivers, patient profiles, and the evolving factors influencing treatment decisions. Armed with these insights, the client is able to refine their strategies to better align with physician behavior and adapt to shifting market dynamics over time.