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Targeting Non-Profits in the Technology Sector Hero Image
Optimizing Marketing and Sales Strategies

Targeting Non-Profits in the Technology Sector

Our client, a leading global cloud provider, recognized the diverse views and needs of US non-profit organizations when it comes to using technology to achieve their objectives and operate efficiently. They wanted to develop a more effective marketing and sales strategy by identifying and profiling distinct market segments among non-profit organizations, based on their attitudes and behaviors related to technology and tailor an approach to each segment.

To achieve our objectives, we used a two-step approach:

  1. First, we conducted thorough secondary research to develop hypotheses about the attitudes, needs, and behaviors of US non-profit organizations, particularly at the intersection of technology and their key objectives. This allowed us to gain a preliminary view of the US non-profit industry and identify specific areas of inquiry needed to develop a meaningful segmentation.
  2. We then conducted a comprehensive quantitative survey of over 700 US non-profit organizations, covering a range of key areas to develop a segmentation and enable deep profiling. Our survey explored non-profit organizational objectives, challenges, attitudes, and behaviors related to technology, including cloud computing.

Our research enabled our client to gain a comprehensive understanding of the US non-profit market and its varying attitudes, needs, and behaviors related to technology. By identifying and sizing unique market segments and developing rich profiles of each segment, we provided specific recommendations on how to best market and message to each group. Additionally, we built an algorithm to classify non-profits into one of the identified segments based on minimal information. Our client was able to prioritize its marketing and sales efforts, develop tailored go-to-market strategies, and operationalize them across the US non-profit market.