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Mobile App Development Hero Image
Building a Digital Relationship

Mobile App Development

Technological advances are ever-growing – driving customer expectations to new heights. Whether a business is shipping products to their customers, or a consumer is receiving an e-commerce delivery, a mobile app can enhance the experience and build a digital relationship.

Our client, a global transportation provider, seeks to understand the market placement of their mobile app and keep up with these high customer demands. They believe investments in this area will lead to stronger brand loyalty – however – it is unclear where development resources should be allocated within the app in order to maximize ROI.

Based on prior experiences, development decisions should be built around current and potential user interests. We captured the voice of business shippers and consumer recipients via a two-phased approach.

Exploration was first, speaking with our target audience to build a foundational understanding of the current state and potential improvement areas for the existing mobile app. Value enhancement was next, an online survey to validate our exploration findings and build an action plan. Within the survey, a conjoint-based approach quantified the value placed on new and existing features in an unobtrusive way.

In collaboration with the mobile app team, we completed a “Roadmap to Success” – a prioritized list of existing features to enhance and new features to develop. Focused efforts to bring these features to market are currently underway, with a strong chance to increase demand and ROI moving forward and build stronger brand loyalty.