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MedCity News Features David’s Article on Wearable Tech Hero Image

MedCity News Features David’s Article on Wearable Tech

Healthcare Newsroom

MedCity News, a leading online publication for healthcare innovation, recently featured published David Ouellette’s article, “Wearable Tech is Empowering Patients to Be Proactive in Their Health.”

Wearable Tech is Empowering Patients to Be Proactive in Their Health


Today’s healthcare ecosystem is complex, with the patient at the center of it all. There has never been a time where so much innovation is happening in healthcare than today, all with the aim of providing better patient care and better patient outcomes. Wearable technologies are playing a significant role in that innovation. While wearable technology is not new, it is seeing explosive growth. As wearable tech gains traction, it is important to understand how it can and will affect both healthcare delivery and patient experiences.

Wearable technology can be broken down into two categories:

  1. consumer wearables like watches, rings, and clothing.
  2. medical grade wearables (such as blood pressure, glucose, and heart monitors) that can be used in the hospital as well as post-discharge.

Consumer wearable technologies empower patients to take an active role in their health. Healthcare professionals often face challenges in managing their patients’ lifestyles, including their activity levels, fitness, nutrition, sleep patterns, and mental health. Wearable tech addresses these areas by enabling patients to track and monitor themselves. This potential for self-management can reduce the burden on the healthcare system, resulting in fewer doctor visits, lower hospitalization risks, and fewer diagnostic tests as patients can take corrective action earlier or identify issues sooner.