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MarketingProfs Features Nolan’s Article on How to Recruit Tech Pros for Qualitative Research Hero Image

MarketingProfs Features Nolan’s Article on How to Recruit Tech Pros for Qualitative Research

MarketingProfs, an online publication dedicated to providing marketing resources for organizations, has published Jennifer Nolan‘s article, “How to Recruit Top-Notch Tech Pros for Qualitative Research”.

How to Recruit Top-Notch Tech Pros for Qualitative Research

Recruiting professionals for qualitative research can be challenging.

Many sources and platforms are available in the market for recruiting qualitative-research participants. And, recently, we’ve noticed a surge in the number of “source-it-yourself” platforms, which businesses use to self-recruit.

However, that approach can be risky. A recent interaction with a prospective client raised a pertinent question: How do we verify the authenticity of participants and ensure they are genuine in their responses and they have relevant experience for the study at hand?

This article will share some effective tips for recruiting high-quality technology professionals for qualitative research.

The Challenges of Recruiting for Evolving Tech Roles

Recruitment challenges in technology-related research extend beyond the rising popularity of source-it-yourself platforms.

Technology professionals are constantly evolving, and their roles and responsibilities are becoming more complex. That creates “hybrid” roles that blend functions between IT and Business, often presenting a recruiting challenge.

One example is the emergence of “citizen developers.” Asking citizen developers whether they align more with IT or the business can lead to a “well, it depends” response, making sourcing and recruiting even more complicated.