New Telecom Service Offerings
A large international telecom company hit the market with a new combination of integrated services including voice, broadband, and video for consumers and small businesses. This significant change in their service offerings, particularly the inclusion of video and the technology being utilized, was impacting how they market, provide customer service, and handle installation. They needed a way to obtain feedback at multiple phases of the customer lifecycle to continually improve.
We created an ongoing customer feedback mechanism through a series of transactional and customer experience surveys. A survey was triggered shortly after a new customer came on board that focused on the purchase process, reasons for purchase, installation, and their initial usage. Another survey targeted customers who had any or all these new projects for specific amounts of time to gauge customer experience, as well as test potential offers and improvements. Finally, a third survey was triggered if a customer dropped service to understand the drivers for leaving and what, if anything, could have been done differently or to win them back. A fourth survey was later added that targeted consumers who signed up for a new service but cancelled before their first bill.
The survey invites went out daily, so data collection was ongoing, allowing us to identify seasonality trends as the program progressed, as well as provide feedback related to large outages or events that may impact consumers, competitors, or the client. Each survey contained a core set of questions that didn’t change to establish trends, while also having flexibility through hot topic sections that allowed the program to remain relative over time and provide additional value.
Tracking programs can be seen as boring or unneeded, but in many cases, a properly built program can provide useful trends and metrics for years, as well as flexibility to offer feedback on timely subject matter. Over the life of these services and this program, insights were utilized to identify and help solve installation issues, improve customer service options, test marketing offers, and profile at risk customers.