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We are your guide to timely, fact-based insights and actionable solutions. We connect the dots between the research and your business objectives.

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Some of the most iconic brands in the world have trusted us since 1983 and we are proud to have clients that continue to work with us after 30 years of successful business together.

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How We Do It

We care about the quality of our deliverables. We care about the impact that our insights and solutions have on your organization. We care about our relationships with our clients and with each other.

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Brian St. Onge

Brian St. Onge


With over 15 years of experience in marketing research and customer-centered design, Brian St. Onge leads the tumble experience lab at KS&R. Certified by IDEO and Cornell in design thinking, Brian prides himself on picking the right tools for the job based on the customer’s needs, culture, and processes – and in many cases combining them to best serve the specific project and goals. He is passionate about representing user needs while being able to connect these insights to design actions by concepting user-centered solutions across brand, digital, product, service, and systemic platforms. Outside of work, you can find Brian spending time with his 3 daughters, coaching various teams, and reading.

Connect with Brian